Monday, September 30, 2013

Action Research Update

In July I was able to meet with my administrator to present my action research plan to her, which she excitedly accepted except for her concern in staff cooperation. (1 hour)  She felt like some staff would not follow their designated route or dismissal time, but I encouraged her that with accountability in place, teachers would be more compliant to the expectations.  I created clear and specific maps of the dismissal route for each hallway, had them authorized by the principal and assistant principal and then made color coded copies for each hall. (4 hours)  Each hall was given a color and colored signs were posted to clearly indicate where students should line up.  (1 hour) With the help of a friend, I created a dismissal song where he called out each hall to leave and in between each hall is a 40 second wait time. (1 hour) Within the first week we had practice each afternoon and little by little everyone started getting adjusted to how the new program would work. (3 hours total)  In the second week I met with my administrator to discuss hiccups and we made a few adjustments to routes (2 hours).  I also had to adjust the song to increase the interval song because the students in each hall were not getting to where they needed to be before the next hall started dismissing. (1 hour)  I have received very positive feedback from teachers and staff (2 hours) and will be sending out a survey soon to gather feedback and comments.